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 Final Exam - 60%

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Wan Shahriman

Posts : 31
Join date : 2011-01-06
Location : UiTM Puncak Alam

Final Exam - 60% Empty
PostSubject: Final Exam - 60%   Final Exam - 60% EmptyMon Jan 17, 2011 12:31 pm


For info, final exam paper for this subject would be using a totally new sets of questions prepared by me. It will consists of 20 MCQ questions and 4 assays.

It covered all the topics in MLT418 course.

All the best

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Wan Shahriman

Posts : 31
Join date : 2011-01-06
Location : UiTM Puncak Alam

Final Exam - 60% Empty
PostSubject: Our Lab. Tech I outcome based education.   Final Exam - 60% EmptyFri Jan 28, 2011 4:49 pm


As an introduction, I would just want to inform you all that UiTM are moving into implementing the Outcome based education - student centered learning (OBE- SCL). Well not a really complicated things, it just basically means more less in the lecturer giving all the materials that the students needs to learn and more time in you all need to discover the knowledge by your own initiative.

No need to panic here, Im just passing out the things that I learned while I was at the Bengkel for these couple of days. I'll be here to giving all my effort and support in helping you guys needs. And InsyaAllah I believe that all of you can be a very successful people in the near future.

These are our OBE for this semester, so try as hard as you can to answers all these questions and you shall pass with a flying colours InsyaAllah. All my lecturers, assignments and questions would be based on these too.

1. Describe the basic nature of light.
2. Describe Beer’s law.
3. Define spectrophotometry.
4. List the components of a spectrophotometer and provide examples of each component.
5. Define the principles of atomic absorption of atomic spectrophotometry.
6. List the basic components of AA spectrophotometry.
7. list the substances analyzed by AA spectrophotometry.
8. Define luminescence, fluorescence, fluorescence polarization, nephelometry, and turbidimetry and List their clinical application.
9. State the principle of fluorometry and the factors that interfere with fluorescence measurements.
10. List the components of basic fluorometer.
11. Define flow cytometry.
12. List the basic components of flow cytometry.
13. Explain the various application of flow cytometry in the diagnoses of diseases.

Electrochemistry and chemical sensors
1. Define electrochemistry and draw an electrochemical cell.
2. Define potential and state the potentiometry and its use in the laboratory.
3. State the principles of amperometry and coulometry and list the uses of each technique in clinical laboratory.
4. Define biosensors and provide biosensors as used in a clinical setting.

1. Define osmometer.
2. Describe the operations of osmometer.
3. List the types of osmometer and its use in the laboratory.

1. Describe the theory of electrophoresis.
2. State the purposes of the following in an electrophoretic procedure: buffers, stains, support media, and power supply.
3. Describe the limitation and errors in routine electrophoresis.

Quality Assessment
1. Define quality assurance and quality control.
2. List examples of preanalytical, analytical, and postanalytical variables that affects laboratory test results and state how each is controlled.
3. Compare internal quality control with external quality assessment.
4. Define control materials and state their use in the clinical laboratory.
5. Define accuracy and precision.
6. Explain the Levey-Jennings charts.
7. List and explain the Westgard rules for interpretation of laboratory control data.
8. Apply the westgard rules to actual control data and determine what actions must be taken to correct-out-of-limit control values.
9. Define proficiency testing.
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